21071217, RIZKI AKBAR DAHLAN (2012) SEKOLAH ALAM BLIMBING MALANG JAWA TIMUR. Final Year Projects (S1) thesis, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana.

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Blimbing Green School at Malang East Java - Malang is a city of tourism and education. In it’s development, this two factor became the main attraction for the city to attract tourists to come and settle. To support the development of Malang, a green school which support nature and recreational based education was planned. The concept of the green school aims to give knowledge to the students about the effects of global warming which is a present current environmental issue. Why? - Green school in Malang nowadays still not qualify the concept of nature and recreational based education - Presents the concept of natural building in the middle of densely populated residential - Give the knowledge about eco friendly building materials issue - Impact of Global warming are more visible - Location of ‘Kecamatan Blimbing’ traversed by many large rivers which polluted with garbage / locals waste - Vacant Land along the river is mostly occupied by people who do not have a place to live which make the area along the river became dirty and contaminated by human waste Transformation design - The concept of eco friendly realized with materials that are eco friendly such as bamboo that are easy to find. The use of bamboo in large quantities will not endanger the natural resources of bamboo because bamboo is an easy and fast growing plant. The concept of nature is also implemented by the large number of openings in buildings that allow air to flow inside which then can reduce the use of air conditioning or fan. Rubbish such as old plastic bottles are used as one of building materials. The materials was used for window coverings or roof coatings in order not to leak, so we can reducing the use of other expensive materials. Goal - Creating a school building that can give knowledge about eco friendly building. - Giving alternative facilities for the students to experience study in nature. - Green school that can form the logic and characteristics of the children to be more sensitive to the nature.

Item Type: Student paper (Final Year Projects (S1))
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sekolah, Desain, Arsitektur alam, Malang
Subjects: A Karya Umum > AS AAkademi dan Masyarakat Terpelajar (Umum)
L Pendidikan > L Pendidikan (Umum)
N Seni Rupa > NA Arsitektur
Divisions: Fakultas Arsitektur dan Desain > Prodi Arsitektur
Depositing User: Mr Brayen Samuel Paendong
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2021 05:42
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2021 05:42

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