TY - THES ID - katalog9560 N2 - Reading ability is considered a skill that must be mastered especially by theological students, and EFL reading is important for theological students because many theological texts and recent research are written using English, by mastering EFL, students can access these sources directly without having to rely on translations that may contain different interpretations. In this case, effective and efficient reading techniques are needed to facilitate students' EFL reading process. This research aims to find out what are the perceived impacts of using skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading, to what extent are the perceived impacts of using skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading, and what are the students' perceptions of using skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading. This study used a mixed method with a questionnaire instrument involving 65 theology students and an interview instrument involving 4 theology students. In addition, the mean score of the fifteen questionnaire items was 4.17 which indicated that most participants agreed that skimming and scanning are techniques that have positive impacts on EFL reading as it was close to 5. RQ 1 was answered with the finding that the use of skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading had an impact on improving students' knowledge and critical reading skills. Furthermore, RQ 2 was answered with the finding that the use of skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading has an impact on students' ability to interpret the content of the text. In addition, this study also used follow-up interviews with 4 participants to answer RQ 3. The results of the interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis which resulted in two themes. RQ 3 was answered with two findings, first theology students had similar perceptions regarding the use of skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading, this finding was based on the student's responses who felt that using skimming and scanning reading techniques for EFL reading had an impact on their knowledge development. Second, theology students had different perceptions regarding motivation before and after using skimming and scanning techniques for EFL reading, students who felt motivated said that the positive impacts they felt made them use skimming and scanning techniques more often in EFL reading, while a student who does not feel motivated said that using or not using these two techniques, he still often read English texts. This study also suggests future research to investigate the relationship between the use of skimming and scanning techniques and motivation for EFL reading of theology students. AV - restricted M1 - skripsi A1 - Brayen Manullang PB - Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Y1 - 2024/11/29/ TI - THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT STUDENT'S PERCEPTIONS OF SKIMMING AND SCANNING TO IMPROVE THEIR EFL READING ABILITY UR - https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/9560/ ER -