eprintid: 9401 rev_number: 13 eprint_status: archive userid: 2098 dir: disk0/00/00/94/01 datestamp: 2024-09-25 01:37:30 lastmod: 2024-09-25 01:37:30 status_changed: 2024-09-25 01:37:30 type: article metadata_visibility: show contact_email: repository@staff.ukdw.ac.id creators_name: , Putriana Kristanti creators_name: , Agustini Dyah Respati creators_name: , Xaveria Indri Prasasyaningsih creators_name: , Purwani Retno Andalas creators_id: 0515056201 creators_id: 0503086101 creators_id: 0029116201 title: CITY WASTE MANAGEMENT (CASE STUDY IN KOTA YOGYAKARTA, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA) ispublished: pub subjects: HD28 divisions: fak_bisnis full_text_status: public keywords: ABCD method; city; inorganic waste; organic waste; waste management abstract: This paper aims to discuss how a city can overcome the waste problem. Implementation of community service uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method. The first stage is discovery stage that carried out through interviews and discussions with the interviewee is the Yogyakarta City Environmental Department (DLH), specifically the Waste Management Sector. This stage discovers the strengths possessed by DLH through identifying the assets or capital it owns. The next stage is the dream stage of building dreams through FGD. DLH's dreams are expressed in his vision and dreams. The design stage produces action planning which is prepared through concrete and measurable planning. The DLH implements the task of carrying out regional government affairs based on the principle of autonomy and assistance in the field of the Environment. Define Stage encourages DLH to analyze and explore their potential. Destiny Stage is the final stage in the ABCD method. DLH Yogyakarta City maximize the implementation of decentralized waste processing. The people of Yogyakarta City are encouraged to be able to manage waste independently and no longer divert it to Final Processing Sites. Apart from that, it also optimizes the TPS 3R and TPST owned by the City of Yogyakarta. date: 2024-03 publication: International Journal of Arts and Social Science volume: 7 number: 3 publisher: IJASS pagerange: 53-58 refereed: TRUE issn: 2581-7922 official_url: https://www.ijassjournal.com/ citation: Putriana Kristanti and Agustini Dyah Respati and Xaveria Indri Prasasyaningsih and Purwani Retno Andalas (2024) CITY WASTE MANAGEMENT (CASE STUDY IN KOTA YOGYAKARTA, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA). International Journal of Arts and Social Science, 7 (3). pp. 53-58. ISSN 2581-7922 document_url: https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/9401/1/City%20Waste%20Management.pdf