relation: title: DEVELOPMENT OF KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR FOR HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT creator: Andhika Galuh Prabawati creator: Albertus Joko Santoso creator: Suyoto subject: LB2300 Pendidikan Tinggi description: The importance of well-integrated data is currently very much needed in various aspects of the field, especially in the field of education. Higher education requires data that is well integrated to meet the needs of performance analysis when submitting accreditation. One way to integrate this data is to build a data warehouse. The data warehouse is visualized with a Dashboard to make it easier for users to see the current conditions at their institution. The dashboard has been widely used but cannot be adequately delivered without the existence of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Higher education institutions use KPIs to measure performance program achievements that have been prepared annually. KPI is a reference for stakeholders to make decisions from current achievements. This study will try to develop KPIs that are sourced from documents and accreditation forms of Study Programs as recommendations in the ABC Study Program of Informatics in the construction of academic data warehouses. The purpose of this study is that the method of developing KPI made by researchers can be applied by the needs of the ABC Study Program. date: 2024-02 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Andhika Galuh Prabawati and Albertus Joko Santoso and Suyoto (2024) DEVELOPMENT OF KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR FOR HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT. Ledger (Journal Informatic and Information Technology), 3 (1). pp. 2963-8798. ISSN 2963 – 8798 relation: