eprintid: 9195 rev_number: 12 eprint_status: archive userid: 2098 dir: disk0/00/00/91/95 datestamp: 2024-09-12 06:49:24 lastmod: 2024-09-12 06:49:24 status_changed: 2024-09-12 06:49:24 type: article metadata_visibility: show contact_email: repository@staff.ukdw.ac.id creators_name: , Murti Lestari creators_name: , Nurcahyaningtyas creators_name: , Pisi Bethania Titalessy creators_id: 0531036602 title: DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS AND BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION ON CREATIVE ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN YOGYAKARTA ispublished: pub subjects: HB divisions: fak_bisnis full_text_status: public keywords: Creative economy; critical success factors; economic growth abstract: Aims: In this transformation era, creativity and knowledge quickly became powerful tools to drive progress in economic development. Unforeseen economic challenges around the world are pushing many countries and regions to adapt in new ways and are oriented towards the creative economy. The creative economy is a development concept based on creative capital that has the potential to increase economic growth. As a city of education and culture, Yogyakarta has social, economic, and cultural wealth potential to be developed into a creative industry. However, the potential for the creative economy has so far not been identified and utilized optimally. This study aims to map performance, potential, and several keys to success for the development of the creative economy in Yogyakarta. Study Design: The analytical method used is the descriptive analysis method, business model, and Critical Success Factors (CSF). Place and Duration of Study: The description of the creative economy of Yogyakarta begins by analyzing the number of creative entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta city in 2021. Methodology: The methodology of this study is a qualitative study by observations in the field, interviews with the Yogyakarta government, and creative economy actors. Results: The results obtained to develop the creative economy of Yogyakarta City are six critical success factors, namely: a) Database, b) Human resources, c) Mastery of technology, d) Creative arena and infrastructure, e) Financing and investment, and f) Institutional. Conclusion: The creative economy is a sector with considerable potential in the city of Yogyakarta because there are many creators who have quite high production values. Unfortunately, the creative economy in Yogyakarta has not been properly recorded and is still underestimated. date: 2023-08-05 publication: Jurnal Descriptive Analysis and Business Model Innovation on Creative Economy Development in Yogyakarta volume: 23 number: 18 publisher: Sciencedomain International pagerange: 89-104 id_number: DOI: 10.9734/AJEBA/2023/v23i181060 refereed: TRUE issn: 2456-639X official_url: https://doi.org/10.9734/AJEBA/2023/v23i181060 funders: bethaniapisi@yahoo.com citation: Murti Lestari and Nurcahyaningtyas and Pisi Bethania Titalessy (2023) DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS AND BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION ON CREATIVE ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN YOGYAKARTA. Jurnal Descriptive Analysis and Business Model Innovation on Creative Economy Development in Yogyakarta, 23 (18). pp. 89-104. ISSN 2456-639X document_url: https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/9195/1/Descriptive%20Analysis%20and%20Business%20Model%20Innovation.pdf