relation: title: PENINGKATAN AGRIBISNIS TEMBAKAU: SELEKSI BIBIT UNGGUL SEJAK DINI? creator: Dielanova Wynni Yuanita creator: Christine Novita Dewi creator: Theodora Merryta Yola subject: HB Teori Ekonomi description: This study intends to enhance the process of agribusiness in tobacco in Indonesia starting from decisionmaking to selecting tobacco seeds (superior and non-superior) until the final result of agribusiness in tobacco. This research analyzes the total costs required in the process of tobacco cultivation until the selling through tobacco collectors. The methods used are interviews and observations of 10 tobacco farmers in Kapencar village of Wonosobo regency as well as 2 tobacco collectors. The researcher conducts interviews with 5 farmers who use superior seeds and the rest who do not. The findings of this study show that the use of superior seeds results in lower cost and the profit of superior seeds is higher than that of non-superior seeds. The use of superior seeds is able to improve the quality of tobacco produced by farmers, as well as the quality of tobacco in Indonesia. publisher: Department of Agricultural Socio-economic, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Tanjungpura date: 2023-06-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Dielanova Wynni Yuanita and Christine Novita Dewi and Theodora Merryta Yola (2023) PENINGKATAN AGRIBISNIS TEMBAKAU: SELEKSI BIBIT UNGGUL SEJAK DINI? Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture, 12 (1). pp. 68-87. ISSN 2579-3268 relation: relation: doi:10.26418/j.sea.v12i1.59373