eprintid: 8753 rev_number: 8 eprint_status: archive userid: 11 dir: disk0/00/00/87/53 datestamp: 2024-08-08 03:55:47 lastmod: 2024-08-08 03:55:47 status_changed: 2024-08-08 03:55:47 type: monograph metadata_visibility: show contact_email: repository@staff.ukdw.ac.id creators_name: , Winarna creators_name: , Tutun Seliari creators_id: 0513046201 creators_id: 0521088501 contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/RTM contributors_name: , Wahyu Aji Pamungkas title: EKSPLORASI MODEL PENATAAN LANSKAP DESTINASI WISATA TRACKING TERBIT MENOREH DENGAN METODE PERENCANAAN PARTISIPATIF MELALUI STRATEGI “COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN” ispublished: unpub subjects: NA divisions: pro_mars full_text_status: restricted monograph_type: project_report date: 2021-11-09 publisher: Magister Arsitektur, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana place_of_pub: Yogyakarta institution: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana department: Magister Arsitektur referencetext: Acar, Habibie (2013) Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context, InTech : Advance in Landscape Architecture, Chapter 12, Turkey. Arifin, Hadi Susilo. 2006. Taman Instan, Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya Chen, X. (2013). Sports Venues and Outdoor Landscape Design. Advanced Materials Research, pp. 3600-3603. Dukic, V and Volic, I. 2017. The Importance of Documenting and Including Traditional Wisdom in Community-Based Ecotourism Planning : A Case Study of the Nature Park Ponjavica in the Village of Omoljica (Serbia). SAGE Open : Special Issue – Traditional Wisdom. January-March 2017. Pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/2158244016681048. Grieves, M., Adler, M., and King, R. (2014). To Preserve the Mountains and the Community : indigenous Ecotourism as a Sustainable Development Strategy. Social Thought & Research. Vol 33. Pp. 83-111 Mcintyre, A. (2008). Participatory Action Research. SAGE Publications, London. Sonjai, N.P. et. al. 2018. Community-based Ecotourism: Beyond Authenticity and The Commodification of Local People. Journal of Ecotourism. Vol. 13. No. 3. Pp. 252-267. https://doi.org/10.1080/14724049.2018.1503502. Sharpley, R. 2006. Ecotourism : A Consumption Perspective. Journal of Ecotourism. Vol. 5. No, 1&2. Pp. 7-22. DOI: 10.1080/14724040608668444 Triyanti, Suwena, dan Sudana. (2015). Perencanaan Paket Wisata Tracking DesaTenganan Kecamatan Manggis Kabupaten Karangasem – Bali. Jurnal IPTA, Vol. 3 No. 1, hal 11-16. funders: wins@staff.ukdw.ac.id citation: Winarna and Tutun Seliari (2021) EKSPLORASI MODEL PENATAAN LANSKAP DESTINASI WISATA TRACKING TERBIT MENOREH DENGAN METODE PERENCANAAN PARTISIPATIF MELALUI STRATEGI “COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN”. Research Report (Lecturer). Magister Arsitektur, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished) document_url: https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/8753/1/894E097_PENDAHULUAN_KESIMPULAN_DAFTARPUSTAKA.pdf document_url: https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/8753/2/894E097_FULLTEXT.pdf