relation: title: THE BENEFITS AND CHALLENGE OF IMPLEMENTING AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS ENGLISH SKILLS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS creator: Imanuel Elang Sanjaya subject: LB1603 Pendidikan Menengah. Sekolah Menengah subject: PE Bahasa Inggris description: Dalam skripsi ini, peneliti meneliti tentang keuntungan, tantangan, dan cara menggunakan media audiovisual untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris para siswa SMP. Dalam meneliti hal tersebut, peneliti sudah merancang daftar pertanyaan yang akan ditujukan kepada tiga partisipan. Partisipan yang dituju yaitu tiga guru Bahasa Inggris dari tiga SMP yang berbeda. Setelah peneliti mawawancarai mereka, maka dibuatlah analisis tematik untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang terjadi dalam penggunaan media audiovisual di lingkungan SMP. Hasil analisa tematik tersebut sudah dijelaskan dalam skripsi ini. Maka dari itu, peneliti membagi tema yang diteliti ini menjadi tiga poin penting. Tiga poin penting yang akan dijelaskan dalam skripsi ini yaitu keuntungan, tantangan, dan cara menggunakan media audiovisual. Peneliti juga menyertakan saran demi meningkatkan kualitas para guru dan sarana khususnya dalam penggunaan media audiovisual. --- (English)--- In this thesis, the researcher examines the advantages, challenges, and how to use audiovisual media to improve the English skills of junior high school students. In researching this matter, the researcher designed a list of questions that will be addressed to three participants. The intended participants were three English teachers from three different junior high schools. After the researcher interviewed them, a thematic analysis was conducted to identify the problems that occur in the use of audiovisual media in the junior high school environment. The results of the thematic analysis have been described in this thesis. Therefore, the researcher divides the theme under study into three important points. Three important points will be explained in this thesis, namely advantages, challenges, and how to use audiovisual media. The researcher also included suggestions for improving the quality of teachers and facilities, especially in the use of audiovisual media. date: 2023-12-02 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Imanuel Elang Sanjaya (2023) THE BENEFITS AND CHALLENGE OF IMPLEMENTING AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS ENGLISH SKILLS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana.