@article{katalog7246, number = {2}, year = {2021}, note = {DOI : https://doi.org/10.1163/1572543X-12341594}, volume = {50}, journal = {Exchange}, pages = {153--171}, author = {Daniel K. Listijabudi}, title = {TOWARDS ENLARGED CROSS-TEXTUAL READING IN MULTI-FAITH CONTEXT}, month = {August}, url = {https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/7246/}, keywords = {cross-textual reading, hybridity, multi scriptural, interrelate, enrichments, communitarian}, abstract = {This article wants to re-examine of Archie Lee?s framework of cross-textual reading and offers a new pattern of doing what so-called communitarian cross-textual reading, afterward. Our critical assessment of the chosen method will address two items. The first is a reflection on the validity of the use of this method, including whether this hermeneutical method is proper, workable, and legitimate concerning the possibilities offered by the Asian context with its multiple religious sacred texts. The second is a reflection on the challenges that appear within this kind of biblical reading approach, challenges this method should face constructively, in the Asian context. In the end, this article will also try to offer an innovative reading model.} }