%I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %D 2013 %L katalog5361 %K Rumah susun, Ruang komunal %T RUMAH SUSUN SEDERHANA MILIK DI YOGYAKARTA : RUANG-RUANG KIMUNAL SEBAGAI SARANA BERINTERAKSI WARGA %X Population growth of the city of Yogyakarta by BPS Capital of the Province of Yogyakarta starting from the year 2008 which has a population of 374 783 inhabitants, in 2010 had a population of 388 869 people and in 2011 had reached 390,207 souls resulting density areas because of the population growth. Therefore result in the need for the more residential. With the ever increasing population growth and housing needs that must be satisfied can be resolved with the land as residential places are limited so to overcome it proposed an efficient dwelling livable land to meet those needs. At this point a proposal to overcome these problems came the idea to the construction of simple flats owned. Simple flats owned is a realistic idea to address the problems of land-saving residential needs because it has a concept of togetherness (Act No. 16 of 1985 on flats Article 1, paragraph 1). The presence of simple flat house belongs in Yogyakarta will accommodate workers at a price that can be reached especially by workers with lower economic levels with the support facilities - facilities adequate and feasible for habitation. It is hoped that the existence of these flats can solve problems with limited land occupancy. %A SUBARKAH ARY WIDODO WISNU MURTI 21020953