%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A 62130002, KARUNA DEWI %A Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, %B Desain Produk %D 2017 %F katalog:4687 %I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %K shopping cart, height, cognitive, children. %P 75 %T SARANA EDUKASI BAGI ANAK USIA 3-4 TAHUN PADA TROLI BELANJA DI SUPERMARKET MENGGUNAKAN METODE SCAMPER DENGAN TUJUAN MELATIH KEMAMPUAN KOGNITIF YAITU MENGELOMPOKKAN PRODUK SESUAI JENISNYA %U https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/4687/ %X One of the supermarket visitors is mothers who have children aged 3-4 years old. While doing the groceries shopping, children like to imitate mother’s activities such as putting things into the shopping cart. Nowadays, most supermarket’s shopping cart doesn’t fit children’s height. Whereas, children who are in the age of learning by doing should be able to get a lot of new knowledge while doing groceries shopping with their mother. Therefore, it needs a product development that can support the children’s needs. Based on that, I made the observations about the supermarket visitor’s behavior, especially mothers who have children, associated with the use of shopping cart. The method I use are 5W + 1H analysis, SWOT analysis and SCAMPER. The result of my observations is a product development of shopping cart (tertiary product) with additional feature in a form of drawer which size is fit to 3-4 years old children’s height and can train their cognitive ability. I hope this product development can be useful for users who want to educate the children while doing the groceries shopping. Furthermore, hopefully this product could inspire other designers who are doing product design.