%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A 81160008, Ira Luik %A Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, %B Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris %D 2020 %F katalog:4402 %I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %K Listening, EFL learners, Metacognitive Strategies, Cognitive strategies %P 51 %T THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN METACOGNITIVE-COGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN LISTENING AND EFL LEARNERS’ LISTENING COMPREHENSION %U https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/4402/ %X The nature of listening skill has been widely acknowledged as the first way of learning a language, particularly English. Among the four areas of English skills, listening plays as the most important skill to be mastered. Since listening activity seemed to be neglected in foreign language teaching, English Foreign Language Learners (EFL) learners perceived listening as their biggest challenge due to the lack of listening comprehension. Researchers in this field have investigated how intensively EFL learners employ metacognitive-cognitive strategies in listening and whether or not there is correlation with their listening achievement. Due to the limited amount of related research conducted in Indonesia, this quantitative study was designed to find the frequency use of these strategies in listening employed by Indonesian EFL learners at university levels and find whether there was a correlation between these strategies and their listening achievements in Comprehension of Long Talk class. Fifty-four participants from four generations of English Language Education Department students participated in this study by completing the listening strategies questionnaire. Descriptive and correlation analysis were further applied. The results indicated that cognitive strategies were less frequently used instead of metacognitive strategies and there was no correlation between the use of cognitive strategies and the participants’ listening comprehension at the level, p> 0.05. Meanwhile, there was a positive weak correlation between metacognitive strategies and the participants’ listening performance. Despite the facilitation of both strategies could help the EFL learners throughout listening, several listening problems could also appear as the obstacles throughout the skill practice.