%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A 81160013, Yuliana Putri Susanti %A Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, %B Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris %D 2020 %F katalog:4251 %I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %K teacher’s and students’ beliefs, jigsaw learning strategy, cooperative learning %P 38 %T TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ BELIEFS ON THE USE OF JIGSAW LEARNING STRATEGY FOR COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING %U https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/4251/ %X The aim of the study is to investigate teacher’s and students’ beliefs on the use of jigsaw learning strategy. This study used qualitative methods by conducting an observation and interviews. Online interviews were conducted involving four students and their teacher based on the classroom observation results. The result of the observation was more complex than it appeared as some students mentioned that their participation in jigsaw activity was not the same as how they felt about it. Further, three themes were found from the interviews with the teacher and students about their views on jigsaw learning strategy. Students’ previous learning influenced their participation in jigsaw activities, teacher’s expectation improved students’ participation in jigsaw learning, and jigsaw learning was helpful but its degree of success depended on students’ performance. It could be concluded that the views of the teacher and students on the use of jigsaw learning were positive. Based on the results, students’ participation of jigsaw learning applied in the classroom was effective. However, they noticed some weaknesses as jigsaw learning was not fully succeeded. The major findings of this study support the use of jigsaw learning strategy in higher education level.