%0 Thesis %9 Thesis (S2) %A 50170023, Dini Diaken Sole %A Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, %B Magister Ilmu Teologi %D 2020 %F katalog:4020 %I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %K Reconciliation, reconciliation mission theology, 1965 humanitarian tragedy, PKI stigmatization, GMIT, church mission, truth and justice – Robert J. Schreiter’s reconciliation theology. %P 132 %T MEMBANGUN TEOLOGI REKONSILIASI TERHADAP KORBAN PERISTIWA 1965 DI JEMAAT GMIT IMANUEL TOFA-MERBAUN, KLASIS AMARASI BARAT %U https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/4020/ %X The purpose of this research is to build a reconciliation theology effort towards victims of the 1965 incident in GMIT Imanuel Tofa-Merbaun. An effort to build a reconciliation theology departs from the 1965 humanitarian tragedy which resulted in trauma not only personally but also a collective trauma. Collective trauma experienced has an impact until this day. One impact was the PKI’s stigmatization of victims and their families. This ia a call for church today to act for the restoration of victims’ rights and also church’s recovery from collective trauma. This research method used is a qualitative method. This research begins by looking at the reality in society and by describing the reality experienced by the victims’ ’65 in GMIT Imanuel Tofa-Merbaun. In addition, the theory used is theory of reconciliation from Robert J. Schreiter which emphasizes that churches should be contribute to the Christian message for the implementation of reconciliation. This embodiment of reconciliation reminds Christian that reconciliation is ultimately God’s work and God’s gift. This research also raises two important things that are closely related to the mission of church, that is: the mission of church is proclamation of truth and the mission church is proclamation of reconciliation.