%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A 54090026, CHOLIS AUNURROHMAN %A Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, %B Magister Kajian Konflik dan Perdamaian %D 2013 %F katalog:3589 %I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %K Conflict, behaviors, resolution %P 114 %T KEPRIBADIAN, SIKAP, DAN SISTEM PENDAPATAN SUPIR BUS KOTA DI YOGYAKARTA : SUATU MODEL PENANGANAN KONFLIK DALAM BIDANG TRANSPORTASI %U https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/3589/ %X The current situation of the Yogyakarta city bus drivers is quite concerning. From the results of analyzing their behavior, it is known that they are influenced by internal and external factors. The internal factors are related to the driver’s personality type, while the external factors are associated with the competitors (drivers), organizations, and government policies. The external factors have a strong influence on behavior of drivers using the deposit system, and are influential on the behavior of monthly-paid drivers. Out of thirty people surveyed, city bus drivers who use the deposit system tends to a phlegmatic personality type (16 people or 53%), while city bus drivers who are monthly-paid tend to have a melancholic personality (13 people or 43%). All the stakeholders need to be encouraged to implement the mandate of article 79 paragraph 4 and article 78 paragraph 1 of the Law No.22 of 2009 Traffic and Road Transportation. Peace education curriculum needs to be integrated into the education training materials (educational training) as an instrument for peace building, because the behavior might be affected by learning process.