%K recommendation system, candidate selection, popularity, pagerank %T ALGORITMA PAGERANK DALAM SITUS JEJARING SOSIAL MYBESTFRIENDS LINGKUP MAHASISWA UKDW %L katalog3296 %D 2014 %X This paper discusses the application of PageRank algorithm in a web-based recommendation system for candidate selection scope of Information Technology Students of Duta Wacana Christian University. This system calculates the popularity of each student in a contest based on the recommendation or referral from another students. The popularity score is based on the definition of PageRank is not just calculated how much the recommendations refer to a person , but how much of the total scores obtained from each person is referring to his recommendations . In other words , a person may only have a few references but has a high score because he gets referrals come from students who are also popular. This popularity measurement system is not a system of voting to determine the winner in an election, but rather to determine how popular a student in the eyes of other students in a particular case is calculated using the PageRank algorithm. Predicate or recognition label is given explicitly and in writing by the student to another student on the expertise, propriety or skill in a particular case. %I Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana %A DANIEL BAGYO SUCAHYO 22053923