@phdthesis{katalog3081, year = {2013}, school = {Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana}, month = {February}, title = {KARAKTERISTIK DAN STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN PERUSAHAAN YANG MENERAPKAN ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT (STUDI EMPIRIS PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BEI)}, author = {RISANTI 11094762}, keywords = {Enterprise Risk Management, Firm Characteristics, and Ownership Structure}, url = {https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/3081/}, abstract = {The aim of this research is to examine the factors that influence firm level adoption of Enterprise Risk Management. The implementation of Enterprise Risk Management used in this research is the existence of Risk Management Committee (RMC). Firm characteristic used in this research are leverage, profitability, corporate size, cash ratio, and stock return. While ownership structure used in this research is managerial ownership. The data is collected by using a purposive sampling method towards manufacture companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange over 2008 until 2011. There are 32 manufacture companies used as samples in this research. The data was analyzed by using logistic regression. The results, based on logistic regression analyses, indicate that firms with low leverage, large corporate size, low cash ratio, and managerial ownership are more likely to implement Enterprise Risk Management. While firms with high profitability and poorer stock return are less likely to implement Enterprise Risk Management.} }