@phdthesis{katalog2865, author = {ADHITYA YUDHA PAMENANG 22094721}, title = {IMPLEMENTASI ALGORTIMA BACKTRACKING UNTUK MENYUSUN MENU MAKANAN SESUAI KEBUTUHAN KALORI TOTAL}, year = {2015}, month = {November}, school = {Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana}, url = {https://katalog.ukdw.ac.id/2865/}, keywords = {Obesity, Backtracking Algorithm, Set Pattern of Food}, abstract = {Obesity is one out of ten risking factors of diseases in the world. Obesity is marked by fat tissues that are overly pilled up. People still lack of knowledge on how much and what kind of food which need to be consumed. Based on the knowledge of the nutrients experts there can be made expert system, where the expert system can be used to replace nutrients expert so someone with obesity can arrange his/her own menu in accordance to his/her needs. In developing this system, backtracking algorithm is used to find the solution to arrange menus that cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.} }